Friday, December 26, 2008

Missing to be on air

This morning, I fell missing to be on air again. Before moving to Perth, I worked for RTV, a local TV station in Riau. My jobs ranged from presenting news and other more in-depth programs. I was a presenter of news program named Detak Riau and presented some other programs like Interactive Dialog (Berita Pilihan 6) and a current affair program called Dari Hati ke Hati. Every day, I did jobs related to broadcasting. Beside working on the screen, I was also the Vice Manager of Program Dept. who was responsible to make sure that all programs go online on the time. I like this job very much and I enjoyed doing my day.

The problem is that today, I did not know why, I misses the day have been passing by. Since last Feb, I and my Son have been staying here in Perth to accompanying my husband who is doing a Master at Murdoch Uni. Consequently, my life has to be changed. New place, new experiences. I love my life now, but some time I miss the days have been passing by.

But, I understand that I have to patient. I know that I am lucky woman. When I am back to Pekanbaru next July, I will join back to my company. The CEO of Riau Pos Group, Mr Rida K Liamsi has offered me a chance to come back to the Riau Television.

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